Sunday, February 13, 2011

memory noms*!~

     When I was younger I remember one dish my mom used to make that was....amazing! It was full of tons of veggies and chicken and had peanuts in it, the sauce was a sweet garlic brown sauce and every ingredient complimented one another very well. My brother and I used to watch my mother create this savory masterpiece and literally drool in anticipation. For some reason I thought about the dish, I've been missing I decided to recreate it...of course sans chicken and this time with the ingredients I had on hand. I only had cabbage, spinch, garlic scapes, mushrooms, and chickpeas!
^^ photo taken by VeganBeats
  Considering I had no recipe, and only my 5 year old memory to work came out pretty tasty!!

What you need:
*veggies (whatever you want...recommend cabbage and garlic scapes ^^*)
*some protein source
*handful of red skin peanuts
*3:1 ratio of soy sauce and some sweetener
*1-2 T garlic
*1-2T oil >_<#

What to do:
*cut up and prep all the veggies and add oil to a pan~med high heat
*add the garlic scapes, cabbage, and chickpeas (protein) and mix
*add the lighter greens and peanuts after about 5-7 minutes and continue heating/cooking for another 4-5 minutes
*when everything looks cooked through (taste if you must) add the garlic and mix thoroughly
*then add the sugar and soy sauce

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