Friday, April 1, 2011


Getting out of work early is...uhh so nice^^*!~
It's still early in the afternoon, the suns out, I'm getting some much needed viatmin D, people are out, places are open, and walking around is more than supported. Whenever I kick it out of my new school I go explore...there are so many roads stretching out from my new station and they're all urging me to discover the hidden buildings, quirky shops, secret amazing noms (reasonabley priced ones of course) and local coffee shops...

The other day I found a family run produce stand (the only one I found thus far) and stumbled upon squashes, bags of lettuce, and 묵!! Acorn jelly, my favorite, simple, low fat, healthy, refreshing, and eerily slippery and has no flavor of it's own really, so the addins are the essentials. At this place I got some sprouts, baby greens, lettuce, fresh garlic, and of course 묵!!
Sometime I feel like I spoil myself...
yumm~도토리묵 (photo taken by VeganBeats)
...and then parts of me realize that I' eating the same thing that squirrels do....
                   ...if only I could climb trees so well..

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