Monday, January 30, 2012

Week 1: P90 X~

     So week one of P90X challenge has been far, feeling GREAT~
Loving the workout, still looking forward to it, but I think I want to switch it up, start into body lean...or wake up earlier and add another routine in the am...this is all buzzy maybe thoughts though~

     Haven't missed my vitamin once, been social, skyping, still need to work on the sleep front but so far...positive year!!

Side note~ That Valentine's day deal is swinging around the bend, don't neglect the vegan lovers!
Check out the Valentine's box of treats from Mipa at her shop~~
Check out her page about it!!

Until later~~

Got more coming^^*!~

Friday, January 27, 2012

Lost pics from the hike~

So far:
Week 1
    • Day 1 - Chest and Back, Ab Ripper X
    • Day 2 - Plyometrics
    • Day 3 - Shoulders and Arms, Ab Ripper X
    • Day 4 - Yoga X
    • Day 5 - Legs and Back, Ab Ripper X
    • Day 6 - Kenpo X
    • Day 7 - Rest or X Stretch
    1/2 skyped with the family
    daily viatmin

         These are some pics from my phone that didn't make the hiking post~
    widescope (photo taken by VeganBeats)
    bulletholes (photo taken by VeganBeats)
    Sexy hatted Sexy Pol in front of a Sexy mountain (photo taken by VeganBeats)
    Veganbeatin Wolf (photo taken by VeganBeats)
    photo taken by VeganBeats
    this could lead anywhere (photo taken by VeganBeats)
    as the sun starts to hide... (photo taken by VeganBeats)
    pensive (photo taen by VeganBeats)
         This weekend has arrived at again, a very needed time. Since the holiday has finished, and started, I have kept with my goals. I look forward to the walks, the snuggles, the me time, and the workouts everyday. I usually do my workouts after work, so around five to eight, somewhere in that window of throughout that whole time. Every morning has been vitamin popping, grapefruit nomming, coffee sipping, tea soothing drinking, and noisy stretching. My muscles are really appreciating this focus on the internal, the body, the individual and focused care. What I'm starting to recognize is how sore some of muscles are, how achy they've been and how weak many of my joints are. It's not just tired body parts, it's ignored systems. I've been on the move and go to a point where the stabbing jolts are...too well associated with. If you have a bruise you can't see, it somehow doesn't that.

         This P90X has been a blast so far, and I am really enjoying it. I'm so sore everyday and..I love feeling a muscle spasms and making myself sweat.

    Bring it~

    Thursday, January 26, 2012

    New Year Goals/plans/resolutions

         Considering my state-side New Year was on a plane~ it didn't feel quit as monumental as ideally it could have been. I was sleepy, weepy, and so all over the place in regards to "where should my life be?" And honestly, still in that place. I'm working on figuring things out and hey I'm human!
         Considering the "false" start of a new year I used 설날 as my official New Year and instilling (and engaging) in these goals of mine. They'r pretty simple and straightforward and in terms of realistically following through with them, I'm working these goals in increments. Keeping them to 3 months each time, so that they don't seem 12 months overwhelming. If that makes much of any sense.

    So far:

    1. vitamins everyday, no skipping, no missing, no forgetting. 
    2. Get at least 5 hours of sleep a least. 
    3. Be active, exercise everyday. No excuses
    4. Once a month (that's three times until the end of March) see family, have a meal, hang out, just be with the family. 
    5. Write something it a checklist, a piece, poetry...just do it. 
    6. Walk at least 3 miles a day, me time, relaxing time...clear the head, move those legs. 
    7. Love on my kids everyday (Hamlet and 고구마)~ I need to keep them in a positive state of mind and place...if mom doesn't love on them...I'm not being a great mama
    8. P90x....90 day it. Don't miss a matter how late, how tired you are VeganBeats~ do it. You will not regret it
    9. Make sure to be social, see friends at least twice a week...I know that seems small in number social...BE SOCIAL!
    10. Eat healthier~ and not past 16 hours of being awake. If I wake up at 5am, I am finished with any eating at 9pm...OR no eating at least 4 hours prior to crash time
    11. Email the family at least twice a month, and skype them at least once a present. You may be across the worlds but it's no excuse to forget those that love you. 
    12. Stretch everyday...even for 5 minutes...just do it~
    13. ALWAYS take on some me-time, this can be anything just use it for you~
    Everyday...I'm going to cross these out (the ones that apply) and make sure I follow these goals. I will and CAN do it. 

    Here's the P90X routine required to follow...Today will be day3~~ I'm starting with classic, then after that's resolved...lean body~

    CLASSIC P90X Workout
    PHASE 1 - 1st month
    Week 1, Week 2, Week 3
    • Day 1 - Chest and Back, Ab Ripper X
    • Day 2 - Plyometrics
    • Day 3 - Shoulders and Arms, Ab Ripper X
    • Day 4 - Yoga X
    • Day 5 - Legs and Back, Ab Ripper X
    • Day 6 - Kenpo X
    • Day 7 - Rest or X Stretch
    Week 4
    • Day 1 - Yoga X
    • Day 2 - Core Synergistics
    • Day 3 - Kenpo X
    • Day 4 - X Stretch
    • Day 5 - Core Synergistics
    • Day 6 - Yoga X
    • Day 7 - Rest or X Stretch
    Phase 2 - 2nd month
    Week 5, Week 6, Week 7
    • Day 1 - Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps, Ab Ripper X
    • Day 2 - Plyometrics
    • Day 3 - Back and Biceps, Ab Ripper X
    • Day 4 - Yoga X
    • Day 5 - Legs and Back, Ab Ripper X
    • Day 6 - Kenpo X
    • Day 7 - Rest or X Stretch
    Week 8
    • Day 1 - Yoga X
    • Day 2 - Core Synergistics
    • Day 3 - Kenpo X
    • Day 4 - X Stretch
    • Day 5 - Core Synergistics
    • Day 6 - Yoga X
    • Day 7 - Rest or X Stretch
    Phase 3 - 3rd month
    Week 9 and Week 11
    • Day 1 - Chest and Back, Ab Ripper X
    • Day 2 - Plyometrics
    • Day 3 - Shoulders and Arms, Ab Ripper X
    • Day 4 - Yoga X
    • Day 5 - Legs and Back, Ab Ripper X
    • Day 6 - Kenpo X
    • Day 7 - Rest or X Stretch
    Week 10 and Week 12
    • Day 1 - Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps, Ab Ripper X
    • Day 2 - Plyometrics
    • Day 3 - Back and Biceps, Ab Ripper X
    • Day 4 - Yoga X
    • Day 5 - Legs and Back, Ab Ripper X
    • Day 6 - Kenpo X
    • Day 7 - Rest or X Stretch
    Week 13
    • Day 1 - Yoga X
    • Day 2 - Core Synergistics
    • Day 3 - Kenpo X
    • Day 4 - X Stretch
    • Day 5 - Core Synergistics
    • Day 6 - Yoga X
    • Day 7 - Rest or X Stretch
    Lean P90X Workout
    PHASE 1 - 1st month
    Week 1, Week 2, Week 3
    • Day 1 - Core Synergistics
    • Day 2 - Cardio X
    • Day 3 - Shoulders and Arms, Ab Ripper X
    • Day 4 - Yoga X
    • Day 5 - Legs and Back, Ab Ripper X
    • Day 6 - Kenpo X
    • Day 7 - Rest or X Stretch
    Week 4
    • Day 1 - Yoga X
    • Day 2 - Core Synergistics
    • Day 3 - Kenpo X
    • Day 4 - X Stretch
    • Day 5 - Cardio X
    • Day 6 - Yoga X
    • Day 7 - Rest or X Stretch
    Phase 2 - 2nd month
    Week 5, Week 6, Week 7
    • Day 1 - Core Synergistics
    • Day 2 - Cardio X
    • Day 3 - Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps, Ab Ripper X
    • Day 4 - Yoga X
    • Day 5 - Legs and Back, Ab Ripper X
    • Day 6 - Kenpo X
    • Day 7 - Rest or X Stretch
    Week 8
    • Day 1 - Yoga X
    • Day 2 - Core Synergistics
    • Day 3 - Kenpo X
    • Day 4 - X Stretch
    • Day 5 - Cardio X
    • Day 6 - Yoga X
    • Day 7 - Rest or X Stretch
    Phase 3 - 3rd month
    Week 9 and Week 11
    • Day 1 - Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps, Ab Ripper X
    • Day 2 - Cardio X
    • Day 3 - Shoulders and Arms, Ab Ripper X
    • Day 4 - Yoga X
    • Day 5 - Core Synergistics
    • Day 6 - Kenpo X
    • Day 7 - Rest or X Stretch
    Week 10 and Week 12
    • Day 1 - Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps, Ab Ripper X
    • Day 2 - Cardio X
    • Day 3 - Back and Biceps, Ab Ripper X
    • Day 4 - Yoga X
    • Day 5 - Core Synergistics
    • Day 6 - Kenpo X
    • Day 7 - Rest or X Stretch
    Week 13
    • Day 1 - Yoga X
    • Day 2 - Core Synergistics
    • Day 3 - Kenpo X
    • Day 4 - X Stretch
    • Day 5 - Cardio X
    • Day 6 - Yoga X
    • Day 7 - Rest or X Stretch

    So far:
    Week 1
      • Day 1 - Chest and Back, Ab Ripper X
      • Day 2 - Plyometrics
      • Day 3 - Shoulders and Arms, Ab Ripper X
      • Day 4 - Yoga X
      • Day 5 - Legs and Back, Ab Ripper X
      • Day 6 - Kenpo X
      • Day 7 - Rest or X Stretch

      Wednesday, January 25, 2012

      설날 2012~ 새해복많이받으세요!!~

           I've brought attention to this too many times already...but this New Years I was flying back Seoul-side and it just didn't feel like a new beginning. I realize it could have been a perfect opportunity to really set the new year right, but I just wasn't in it. I was too confused and a bit all over the place. Granted, I got to spend the beginning of the year cuddling with pups and commuting from a different part of town, but it didn't feel like a "new year" for me. it does. Considering where I'm located, I'm taking advantage of this 설날 (Seol-nal) and counting this lunar new year as my "new year/beginning."
            Before I lose track of this blog's theme...let's talk about/show the noms of 2012. I'm super lucky and fortunate to have some relatives living here so last year (loads of 만두mandu if you recall) and this year I've been able to celebrate with family! Monday early morning I drove to 구리 (Guri) to start feast preparations and kick it with the family!
      oh god~ photo taken by VeganBeats
           The food this year was not as grandiose as last year, we were all pretty sleepy but still massive by all means! There were the classic 반찬 prepped and made ready and as always...the language of the heart for many Koreans (especially my family) there was the creation of the GIANT 잡채(japchae)! I love that I'm no longer that little kid that's not allowed to help out in the kitch~
      cutting those mush (photo taken by VeganBeats)
           My family actually loves the vegan challenge and more so bringing up how many vegetables they've gathered to make this (and every meal we have together) a SUPER vegan meal~ Just look at all the veggies JUST for japchae!
      oh hey, 야채!(photo taken by VeganBeats)
           ugh~ are noodles realllly necessary?!
      ^^*~ photo taken by VeganBeats
           We literally have a mixing bowl my cousin AND I could both sit in just to mix this dish up...there is always more than enough, enough to bring home...and have for days after.
      mix mix mix (photo taken by VeganBeats)
           There was no 만두 this year, didn't need to be! I was still hungover from all the greatness building up to this holiday that pots of coffee would make me stupid happy (hell, that would always make me pee with glee!)
            This is the plated japchae...can you guess what's in my fridge right now? Like bags of?
      잡채 photo taken by VeganBeats
           I'm maybe a bit horrible for this, but I pick out the veggies...and "gift" the noodles to everyone else. My cousin, luckily LOVES those sweet potato noodles and is partial to the veggies...we're a good team eh! Here's some more of the spread~ ^^*
      photo taken by VeganBeats
           I ate enough to cover another day's hike, then watched a lot of Arthur and Strawberry Shortcake...

      Next post...well one soon will go into the plans I have for this new year...already riding strong~


      Tuesday, January 24, 2012

      Hiking Around Seoul~

            Saturday and Sunday both started off at the Sun's first gleam!

           Yoga began my Saturday, which was wonderful considering the natural head pain (ahhh 막걸리and walking the Han). Listening to good music and healing that groggy gut I found myself fine by the evening to meet up with some beautiful Seouls. My Noksapyeong crew and I grabbed some drinks at The Concorde, hit up a cigar bar (for a brief second) then we went to an Maloney's where death metal shimmied us out.
           Sunday, I met up with more of my crew and we hiked all around Seoul! We started off near my old hood (노원 Nowon!!!) and Pol was a FABulous tour guide.
      photo taken by VeganBeats
           I've been making reference to this whole state of mind I've been stuck in lately...quick to anger, frustrated, all around a bit negative. Sure sign that this veganlady needs some change in attitude, some new motivation, a newer, brighter, and more positive direction. This damned toe of mine has prevented me from the natural solution, physical activity. Walking a lot is most I can do, (lame) but hiking I've discovered is no problem. Especially when the cold weather numbs your digits!
      photo taken by VeganBeats
            A bunch of us trucked up a mountain, overlooking all of Seoul, the walls of it, the hidden foxholes, stairwells, sucking in all that chilly nippy air! It's views, the freshness, people, everything in combination that reminds me and has me recalling~ "this is why I'm here."
      photo taken by VeganBeats
      photo taken by VeganBeats
      photo taken by VeganBeats
      photo taken by VeganBeats
      photo taken by VeganBeats
      photo taken by VeganBeats
           Laughing with these friends that I just don't see enough, hiking trails my feet haven't kissed in too long, my eyes capturing the city I live in, I needed all of this, all of it. The space before me allowed my mind to access a space of serenity, calmness- even if it was brief. The day, the entire day was spent in this energetic field.
      POL-IM NI DA~ (photo taken by VeganBeats)
           Doesn't matter what day this being Lunar New Years eve was the icing on the cake~

      Ending the Lunar New Year down by the river

           새해복 많이 받으세요!~
      Happy Lunar New Years to everyone!

           Being Seoul-side, I'm counting this as my actually New Years. The state-side one was spent teary-eyed on a plane (with a bit more wine in my system and fresh memories seranading my mind). Due to the Lunar New Year, there is a mini-break/vacation happening for most of the teaching type and though not yet over (but close) this has been an AWESOME break!

           Friday was a gathering of some fine folk before Jaxs was peacing to the states for some well-deserved vacation time. The evening started in 신사 at a restaurant that I've been to several times before  (will write about it later) and wanted to share it with friends, turned out we all discovered it separately!
      photo taken by VeganBeats
      photo taken by VeganBeats
      photo taken by VeganBeats
           The staff knows what vegan is so they made up a HUGE vegan friendly spread (most of their banchans are vegan anyways!) and even whipped up vegan dwenjjang! What goes well with delicious Korean food when you're out with your friends...drinks~
      photo taken by VeganBeats
      photo taken by VeganBeats
      photo taken by VeganBeats
           After dinner we wandered over to a self-service bar and traveled down memory lane with a "classy" game of Kings....Ah, Jaxs~ this is the Cape!
      photo taken by VeganBeats
      photo taken by VeganBeats
           After, some of us parted ways, either homeward bound or 이태원 where the evening was filled with gay clubs, dancing, more drinks and a wonderful lost walk with the ladies. 
      photo taken by VeganBeats
            I've been in a rut of a that so bitter and on a fire-setted mood. I'm easily frustrated and finding myself jumping to swearing profusely by internal means. This break came at a very convenient and necessary time. 
      photo taken by VeganBeats
      photo taken by VeganBeats
      photo taken by VeganBeats
      photo taken by VeganBeats
           I need more Han river walks to clear my mind...
      photo taken by VeganBeats
      photo taken by VeganBeats
      photo taken by VeganBeats
      photo taken by VeganBeats
      photo taken by VeganBeats
           The weekend only improved after this~

      Saturday, January 21, 2012

      Born to Run Global Sighthound Rescue Vegan Bakesale

           There is a bake sale coming up on January 29th to benefit the Born to Run Global Sighthound Rescue. The goal of the group is to "ensure that Sighthounds in need to not suffer and are given a chance at life." Greyhounds are absolutely beautiful creatures and so many are left to inhumane conditions when their career takes a turn to the bleak. There will be a yummy spread of vegan goodies prepared by the fabulous bakers! Make a point to come down, check out the site and the facebook page! Hope to see y'all there!

      Thursday, January 19, 2012

      Delta Airlines: Vegan plate

           Anytime traveling happens, I'm filled with a general eagerness~ what adventures are around the bend, what fruits will I gorge on...what will the people be like...all that positive vibes juiced jazz. The only slight uneasiness I have (besides the take-off and landing) is the vegan meal. So many times, what airlines serve as "vegan" is horrid. Flavorless, mushy, aesthetically yelched. I mean, it's airline food, you're not going to get anything you'll request in REAL life.
           Anyways, I flew via Delta and on the way to Japan, I got a cute Japanese style Bento box filled with...a better attempt at attractive.
      photo taken by VeganBeats
           The main was a piece of steamed pumpkin, slice of steamed carrot, one small steamed mushroom, a fraction of a steamed green bean, one small steamed broccoli floret, a slice of cold grilled eggplant, one cherry tomato, one green olive, and a slice of pickled daikon. The rice balls were seaweed and the other one was ginkgo nut. I also got a slice of Asian pear and apple. Admittedly I was a bit wine-d out so I actually ate the plane food (Sorry Anothony Bourdain). I avoided the rice all together (blech rice) but picked out the ginkgo nut. I ate all the veggies, but didn't finish the eggplant, too cold, The mushroom had a sweet soy sauce marinade, so it seemed to work well with all that wine.
      photo taken by VeganBeats
           I wish they were a bit more generous with the veggies. I would have been happier with no rice and only veggies. But then again, at least this vegan meal was actually vegan!!

      Monday, January 16, 2012

      Sandeul Kimbap: 산들김밥

           I haven't indulged in any 김밥 for a hella long time. It's a traditional, inexpensive, and on-the-go type of meal for Koreans (think sandos, wraps, granola, or even powerbars for the state-siders). It's pretty straight forward, rice, veggies, maybe a protein all rolled into some 김 (seaweed) or laver. There's  a place close to my house that really packs them...overflowing and generous.
      loaded (photo taken by VeganBeats)
           I like that the fillings are far more generous versus the rice...if only Korea got on the brown rice trend...

      Directions to Sandeul Kimbap:
      Seoul University of Education (교대역) station, exit 14, walk straight for about 5 minutes and take a Right (at the light) and walk straight for another 5 minutes. Take the Right after the Emart express store and BBQ place, walk about 200 ft and it's on your left.

      Most 김밥 is around 2,700 W..($2.00)

      Sunday, January 15, 2012


           Due to one fun-filled evening, I broke one of my toes. Judge...

           Since then my ability to exercise has taken a hit. I got an x-ray as soon as I landed in these Seoul parts and  the doctor told me to avoid heals (what?), avoid raised shoes (you know where we are, right?) and to not exercise (WHAT!?!?!). So I'm in this position where the most "exercise" I got was trucking up Namsan mountain daily and running to school from the subway station. The lack of physically activity has put me in a place when mentally, and overall I'm feeling very very....soft. I know sometimes being having a "soft" body is sometimes used to compliment but...I have an overall uneasiness with that word and it's reference to my body. I apply that word with a completely different set of synonyms when directed at me, for others I find it to even be flattering. Semantics...
           I've tried jogging a bit, even walking for long distances and a sharp pain shoots from my foot, shocking my chest. I have a high pain tolerance, hell....some know this. But this toe situation is obnoxious.
           I've always tried to eat healthy, but everything, every single thing is kick-starting some major negative self-thoughts. I'm feeling like I'm 12 again...hairy, pudgy, fat clinging to every joint, breasts merely being lumps of misshapen lard hugging my toe needs to heal up, I need to start my activity regimen again.
           This is a bit of an obstacle here though, when I don't exercise for a bit, all the fat seems to collect (yes, in my mind) and getting back to working out builds this massive pyramid of self-conscious thought.

      1. I will be that wheezy, heavy breathing, heavy girl struggling on EVERY activity~ bringing on free comedic pains for my gym peers. 
      2. Everyone around me, in public can see my flaws and focuses on them...physical "soft" flaws...I mean full-on saddle bags, chunky knees, love handles, arm rests, shoulder creases, jello gut...the sugar works. 
      3. I am the DUFF: Designated Ugly Fat Friend
      ~I've so much as done light yoga and stretches...I want to jump, leap, run, kick...>.<#
           These thoughts, these parts of me are overwhelming, screaming/shaking/throat clenching parts that grapple me to the ground. Preventing me from getting to the gym again, going out in public, seeing friends...I'm aware that being with people will most likely increase my general state of being. From negative to positive...but a fact can be counted on. Among many of my friends, many girls, the topic on a large portion of conversations turns to diet, feeling unhealthy, fat..blah blah blah. The moment I let out an insecurity, it's spat on, shushed away. I don't bring it up because...I just don't want to go there and why breed insecurities in others when they run so rampant within myself?!
           Being around all of that ignites a machine gun full of the extreme X within...the flame may be on light, or low heat but then it's doused in gasoline and...I need to spree, run, sprint away. I can go from having a good, even great time to poisoned in snaps. It's not even worth explaining to others. I'm called ridiculous, attention seeking, whatever~ I needn't prove to others.
            I'm scared, fearful, and self-judging. My friends say they will not judge...but that's obnoxious. We all judge, in every instant, for every second...on everything. Judgement could be thought, opinions, any slew of things...judgement is always. Saying you don't judge is...pathetic and dishonest. 

           My friends, peers, the public will judge me- I already accept this...I fear being judged negatively and criticized. I don't want these physical flaws that I so blatantly see and feel. I have a lot of positive thoughts, and desires but...the hatred I feel and see for this and in this physical body is...not understandable by others. I realize this is rather of me are feeling like I'm disrespecting all these parts, making them so vulnerable but...

           I wish I never broke this damn toe of mine...maybe I'd be in a different, more balanced and social place right now...

      Saturday, January 14, 2012

      Middle School

           NPR has been a linking string throughout my life. Growing up in a small town my family and I would drive decent distances to get to family places and stores; and by distances I really only mean about 15 minute to hour long drives. (For a kid, miles are a lot bigger).   
           These drives were marinated in music from all over the world or NPR. Articulate, intelligent, and assertive voices would report on the world, the daily happenings, and we were silent, soaking in the information. I grew up with radio, voice, noise, intelligence~ brilliance. Throughout my growing years, NPR remained in journeys to my nana's, to Boston, to wherever we went. Whenever my dad and I traveled, if we weren't exchanging our new music finds, we were listening to "All Things Considered", "Talk of the Nation", "This American Life", etc. Radio, a magic that has always intrigued me, and brought intellectual comfort by some means.
           Going to college, as with anyone, finding a niche or getting some genuine friends (the ones that'll stick) is somewhat of a struggle. Gaining and building a friendship base isn't so hard, but the creating and nursing relationships is a bit more demanding. After several years, I grew with a crew that I adore and besides the common interests we share, and overall bad-assedness we all posess...we all appreciate radio. We had a show together (BQ variety (2) hour) and many of our nights (even now) involve sharing and swapping stories and listening to "This American Life."
           Since coming back to Seoul, I've filled my nights with listening to the podcasts. I haven't indulged in this for far too long, and it feels like a reunion. Today I listened to episode 449: Middle school and it got me reflecting and reminiscing.
           Middle school is chaos. The biological and developmental stages aside, the social grounds and full on psychological process is overwhelming and outstanding. Emotions are constantly going though nauseating pulls and twists while discovering who you are is thrown into the equation. Granted, self-discovery is a constant class we're forever enrolled in, when your in this awkward period of your life, everything is so sensitive.
           When I was in middle school, I was a product of my musical upbringing, the Beatles, Bijork, and daily NPR. I still am that girl then, there's a definite part(s) that remains but when I think of that kid...I grow sad, but proud also. I must state, my middle school wasn't the classiest by any means. Most of the kids in my grade were sexually active, and being the most experienced was a heavy competition. I was this big-hearted girl that didn't quite fit in. I was a hexagon peg not understanding why all the pegs were squares, triangles, and squares. The "friends" I clung onto, or thought were real friends, were in their own way struggling to survive the battlefields of middle school. Imagine "Mean Girls" but... prepubescent and no licenses.  
            Episode 449 works with the theme of middle school (obviously) and the struggles, challenges, and frustrations that it includes. But it also is in regard to the brilliance of the middle school age group. I recall my seventh grade experience just sucked. My peers were their own class of evil, manipulative, dishonest, and harsh individuals. I wanted to be friends, but would get hurt or taken advantage of whenever the opportunity presented itself. They weren't friends. I still am bitter and hurt by the actions, words, and statements of those "friends." There were many times where my confidence and genuine love for people left me bruised and crying while my parents tried to console me, my sadness and confusion embraced me.
            I never thought that being "too nice" could be an insult, nor did I think (and believe) that being creative was worthy of heavy criticism. While my peers knocked back liquor or avoided pregnancy I stayed home, geeking out and studying. At the time I took my frustrations and pain out on my parents (even now I apologize for my roller-coasting behavior), the pressure that social environment brought on along with personal fear and massive outstanding influence put me in a place where I suppressed me. I remember that having bangs were really trendy, my mom would't let me cut my hair so I would pick out two thin strands of hair from the top of my hair, just so I could have them~ ridiculous.
           Emo-side acknowledged, there is a brilliance and light that middle school kids have. There's this natural dork factor where kids in the middle school age gap possess that's so honest, bare, and blunt. This place where you are becoming a junior adult and are still very much a child- vocabulary (in theory) is improved, passions more explored, and a general maturity that is directly influenced by societal and environmental pressures.
           When it comes to working with kids, I find I work best with middle school kids, the elementary and pre-teen level. Their quirkiness is inspiring and something I want to support. Being in a place where you don't feel like you fit in, and openly stating discomfort is far more scary then ignoring who you are...being able to talk and feel un-judged does a world for one's personal opinion.
           I was a weird kid, I am still a weird parents supported me throughout that strange phase, and I know this is a run-on and maybe a bit all over the place but...This American Life had me reflecting...

      Parts of me will always be 12~    

      Time is Nothing by Kien Lam

           I think I'm permanently bitten by the travel bug....
      check out more at

      Friday, January 13, 2012


           For the past two weeks I've been kicking it with some cute dogs, breathing in that Namsan mountain air, and relaxing (with a healthy dose of stress and planning). Coming back from the states left me, no-shined some dusty feelings out. (Think back in the ol'ol'American gold rush days, sifting through all that mud and muck, knowing there's gold there and shake it enough...some shiny nuggets start blinding you...get the simile?) America this time around was free of employment and obligations (besides enjoying everything). Being in that state and around those individuals put me in a state of "what now?!" Torn between going back to the states, working, and working towards more degrees/studying again~ or kicking it Seoul-side, finding footing, indulging my talents...I do miss school, studying and working towards some sort of I'm looking into educational programs. As much as I love my friends rolling stateside, I can't, shouldn't drop all the factors that get my lips curling up...I've never been good at casinos, I take risks when I know I'll win.
           Anyways~ being here so far has left me busy and invisible. Not that that's horrid or bad, I've allowed myself to slow down a bit and reflect, free of drinking, staying out super late, and  getting in some much-needed shut eye. In the nearly two years I've been Seoul-tromping, I didn't really hang out on Namsan, I had the freedom to!~
      photo taken by VeganBeats
           My mind is still hanging onto stateside stuff~ parts of me want to gamble. I like the risk, the chance, the...potential for bizarre things to happen, but Disney hasn't always played out.
           Being vegan in the states is an easy journey also. Everything is labeled; getting something free of animal products takes minutes, even seconds versus this side of the world...not hating just...when something is called "vegan" in the states, you can trust that shrimp won't be considered some sort of veggie. I brought a bunch of stuff back with me, and made some meals that~ probably unhealthy...yeah, I'm a glutton.
      photo taken by VeganBeats
           What is that?!~ It's field roast Italian sausage pan fried with sweet vidalia onions, mushrooms, and loads of garlic and served on a dollop of sriracha- follow your heart vegan mayo, whole wheat ritz and organic red leaf lettuce. I only had three, it was rich, and a lot of flavor. Maybe I could live off of appetizers?! eh...I'd support that American stigma for sure then...ugh~
           I'm not sure where this post is really going...lots of thoughts, but I'm hitting a sleepy drum.
      I leave you with a cute pup...a snuggle pup~~
      wanna snuggle?~ (photo taken by VeganBeats)

      Thursday, January 12, 2012

      Vatos Urban Tacos: Doing Tacos & Margaritas and everything in between, the way it should be done so you can come "eat, chill & drink."

           Last night Hannah popped in from her adventures and kicked it Seoul-side for an evening before wandering elsewhere in the world. I haven't seen her in two years (VT crew) and we shared the evening just kicking it and enjoying a wonderful restaurant.
           If you are Seoul-side you've probably have heard about Vatos Urban Tacos! I wrote about this newly opened place a while back...
           Finding quality Mexican food, that's more than mushy simmered beans and mediocre spices, in Seoul, hell in Korea is challenging. At least I'm thinking so. A lot, if not ALL of the wraps have been frozen and reheated, getting that good ol'rubbery and chewy tortilla that doesn't really stand-up or pimp out the fillings. Vatos makes fresh tortillas from scratch.
      what a sign~ (photo taken by VeganBeats)
           We both were greeted with an air of coziness, swanky embracing coolness, and able to sit down in an urban interior that from every angle gave a great view of the entire restaurant. Kenny told me a while back he wanted the place to be urban and chill, this it was. There were no cheesy plastic peppers hanging on the walls or Mariachi music stabbing marinating your auditory canals. The kitchen is open so you can see and hear everything being prepared (it's all made to order)!
           Hand made corn (tortilla) chips were given to us in a basket with a salsa verde and smokey salsa sauce, and they were both delicious. Not too salty, fresh, aromatic, and the perfect consistency. Not too soupy, and not too chunky. I personally loved the smokey salsa sauce, that smokiness is tantalizing.
      chips and them salsas~ (photo taken by VeganBeats)
           We both started with makgeolitas, a mango one and an apple one. What is a maekgeolita? It's a margarita made with maekgoli instead of tequila. There's a gentle tartness and subtle sweetness that makes these drinks go down beyond smoothly, and they're delicious. I'm biased when it comes to maekgoli but these drinks have hip-checked my "favorite" Korean drink. Also, Vatos is the ONLY place where you can get these wonderful concoctions.
      a makgeolita! (photo taken by VeganBeats)
           Hannah got the Kimchi veggie quesadilla, which was full of colors and served with a side of cabbage slaw. You could here the crunch happen when she cut into it, and although we haven't seen one another in years, when we got our food there was a definite silence.
      the kimchi veggie quesadilla~ (photo taken by VeganBeats)
           Kenny whipped me up a special vegan dish. It was a beany-veggie corn taco and as simple and pure as the ingredients were, it hit the spot. The veggies were sauteed to perfection and full of flavor, without all the salt!! The corn tortillas were fresh (of course) and not grainy or plastic like the ones I'm used to. (Kenny, you're doing the LA thing wonderfully)! I also got a side of slaw and I think I could have a bowl full of the slaw alone. Pure, simple, fresh...texture texture texture.
      my vegan corn taco! (photo taken by VeganBeats)
           Working with a vegan theme, Kenny made a layered dip. The layers included intricately spiced beans, flavorful soft Mexi-rice, guacamole, and a sweet and fresh salsa. I'm not a rice fan but this stuff was great. I found myself using the chips as a spoon, chips are for dip folks...not the other way around. I hope this dish becomes a permanent, vegans of Seoul~ ASK FOR THIS!!!
      layered-dip~ ugh Homer moan^^* (photo taken by VeganBeats)
          Kenny is more than vegan accommodating, AND Vatos is very pet friendly. People bring their pups to the roof and while their moms and dads nom on great food, the kids can play!
      the tortilla press~ (photo taken by VeganBeats)
           Being a friend of Kenny aside, I genuinely and completely support and believe that Vatos is a MUST, the food is so fresh. And maybe this is the VT snobbery coming out here, but food tastes so much better when it's fresh. The sauces are real, they aren't loaded with salt, there's nothing added to mask or fool you're taste buds. The tortillas, I mean I can't believe I used to think Mission tortillas were where it was at! I'll be here again, and I highly HIGHLY recommend you make the effort and treat yourself to something truly amazing~
      beautiful Hannah (photo taken by VeganBeats)
      Directions: Itaewon station exit 4, the ally BEHIND Outback Steakhouse.
      Hours: Tues-Thurs 11:30 to 10pm,
                 Friday-Saturday 11to 2pm and 5-11pm
                 Saturday and Sunday the kitchen stays open 11:30 to 11pm.
                 CLOSED ON MONDAYS
      Services: takes bookings, walk-ins are welcome, groups/parties, take-out, table service, and outdoor service. 
      phone#: 02-797-TACO (8226)